Aug 18, 2010

Bazaar Ramadan 2010

@ Taman Tun Dr Ismail, KL

bright red strawberry jelly

Rain rain...please go away especially when it's ramadan bazaar time.... This dreary weather is definitely putting a damper for this ramadan. Nevertheless, I do have snaps I managed to capture right before the raindrops began to fall on my head.

sweet pastel steamed kuih apam tepung beras

Taman Tun Dr Ismail's bazaar seems to be shrinking as the years go by but it still remains a favourite among many especially on Sunday when it is combined with their night market. I spotted old favourites like the pastel coloured steamed kuih apam tepung beras stand. They're always here every year and there's something so delicate and pretty about their teeny weeny steamed goodies that I can never resist a snap.

whole roast lamb

We spotted something unusual this year that made our mouths salivate - whole lamb being roasted over a charcoal fire. The shredded lamb meat is paired with toasted roti arab that gets an extra delicious touch since the drippings from the roast lamb are dribbled on it when the bread is being toasted. Unfortunately the rain came too soon or else we'll be chomping on the roast lamb between the grilled roti arab. I guess that is the incentive to return for that.

roti arab to go with the roast lamb

If you come early, you'll notice a lot of prep work goes into each the murtabak man who has to fry up each dough parcel filled with a meat and egg mixture until it is crispy on the outside. Or the Indian ladies who are frantically frying up deep fried treats like vadai and a batter filled with spices and curry leaves.
the making of a murtabak - lots of eggs and legwork

We're early hence we get gorgeous pictures of uncut jellies - freshly moulded from their round metal trays. They look so pretty with their tops decorated with fresh fruits - strawberries, mango and kiwi. The same stall also sells creme caramel - that sweet wobbly concoction that is favoured by many. You can buy them in two versions: sliced from a large piece or packed in individual plastic containers.
cute kid

This year seems to be the year of the lemang....almost every bazaar sports a stall selling lemang this year. For the Taman Tun Dr Ismail stall, it is set up just like a lemang stall with the bamboo sticks placed around a fire. There's even beef rendang to complete the whole ensemble to satisfy your glutinous rice cravings if you can't wait for the Raya celebrations.
creme caramel all packed and ready to go

As we venture near the fruit stalls from the night market, I manage to catch some enthusiatic customers buying and eating their durians on the spot. It looks darn tempting as they seem to be enjoying their creamy pungent durian thoroughly.

lemang with rendang

Another commonly seen trend in most bazaars, green coloured Khatira drink. This sweet tasting drink has biji selasih or those froggy eggs (basil seeds for the technical) in them and taste nice and refreshing especially chilled. As we were early, I didn't spot the infamous briyani rice stall and putu piring stall. I guess it warrants another revisit soon when the rains stop.

durian crazy

jalan-jalan cari makannnnnn.....


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