May 4, 2010

Nasi Briyani

@ Warung Kopi Mak Jah, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam

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Milky teh tarik to start the meal

People in Bukit Jelutong have a reason to celebrate - they now have commercial shops and even a petrol station in the township. There's loads of food around the area now - Kayu Manis Cafe which serves decent food and very good hot lemon tea, Secret Recipe and etc.

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Mountain of rice

One weekend, I heard whiff of Mak Jah's from a friend, who enthusiastically smsed me one weekend, to inform me that the Nasi Briyani was a must-try. Hence, we decided to give the place a try.

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fluffy rice (RM10 for Nasi Briyani Kambing and RM9 for Nasi Briyani daging)

A nice modern coffeeshop with marble like tables, you can sit here comfortably to read the Sunday papers and relax. Artwork from budding artists dot the walls and is available to take home (for a price, of course). Since nasi briyani came highly recommended, we both ordered the beef and lamb versions.

After a while, huge plates were placed on our table - a mountain of rice burying our the meats, with crackers, fruit acar and sauce in a small bowl. The rice is simply superb - fluffy with little oil and like my friend said, tasted very home made. While I thoroughly enjoyed the taste and texture of the rice, I didn't quite like the meats. A bit tough, I felt, as it wasn't fork tender. Nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoyed our huge plates of nasi briyani, which was good enough for lunch and dinner! Do give this place a try, when you're around the area. During lunchtime, they also serve an array of cooked dishes served buffet style.


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