Mar 26, 2010

Jeruk Penang

Maiiii.....maiiii singgah dulu

Hubby, youngest boy and I have an hour to kill because my two other sons have sports practice at SXI. So we head over to Esplanade around 5.30 pm. As it was almost dinner time, I told him about the Mee Sotong. I found a stall, ate and found that it is not as good as what others mentioned. I found out later that I went to the wrong stall. Never mind, I will go back again tomorrow for lunch, as revenge.

jeruk penang

There aren’t many stalls opened at that hour. However, this colourful jeruk or pickled fruits caught my eyes. OMG, look at those colourings! I bet you will get stomach cancer if you eat that often. The pickles sourish smell does make me salivate and the fruit inviting colours make me want to pop one into my mouth.

jeruk penang

However, I do not want to die of rotting stomach so I didn’t touch those colourful pickles. I wonder if those people who pickled these fruits have any idea how safe are the colourings they use?

jeruk penang

Some of these pickles are undeniably very tasty especially the mangoes. But I think these food producers should have some heart and not poison others to death with the kind of colourings and chemicals they use.

So, ladies, especially if you are pregnant or planning to conceive, please stay away from all these pickled fruits because they contain not only harmful colourings but other preservatives and sweeteners. Some of those sweeteners may cause deformities in fetuses. Remember that these pickled fruits look good, kills even faster.


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